I will walk clothed and armed with the weapons of St. George So that my enemies, having feet, cannot reach me, With hands they will not seize me, Having eyes see me not, And not even in thought can they harm me. Firearms shall not reach my body, Knives and spears break without my body touching, Ropes and chains may break without my body being tied. Jesus Christ, protect me and defend me with the power of your holy and divine grace, Virgin of Nazareth, cover me with your holy and divine mantle, Protecting me in all my pains and afflictions, And God, with his divine mercy and great power Be my defender against the wickedness and persecutions of my enemies. Glorious Saint George, in the name of God, Extend to me your shield and your mighty weapons, Defending me with your strength and with your greatness, And under the paws of his faithful steed My enemies be humbled and submissive to you. So be it with the power of God, of Jesus, and of the phalanx of the of the Divine Holy Spirit. Saint George, pray for us.
BACKHOE LOADER414E 416D 416E 416F 420D 420E 420F 422E 422F 424D 428D 428E 428F 430D 430E 430F 432D 432E 432F 434E 434F 442D 442E 444E 444F 450E 450F COMPACT TRACK LOADER 259B3 259D 279C 279C2 279D 289C 289C2 289D 299C 299D 299D XHP COMPACT WHEEL LOADER 901C 902C 903C 906 906H 906H2 907H 907H2 908 908H 908H2 910K 914G 914K EXCAVATOR 320C FM 320D 320D FM 324D FM 324D FM LL 325D FM 568 FM LL INTEGRATED TOOLCARRIER IT14G IT14G2 IT28G MINI HYD EXCAVATOR 302.5C 305.5E 308E 308E2 CR MULTI TERRAIN LOADER 247B 247B3 257B 257B3 257D 267B 277C 277C2 277D 287C 287C2 287D 297C SKID STEER LOADER 226B 226B3 232B 236B 236B3 236D 242B 242B3 242D 246C 246D 252B 252B3 256C 262C 262C2 262D 268B 272C 272D 272D XHP TELEHANDLER TH220B TH330B TH340B TH350B TH355B TH460B TH560B TH580B TRACK FELLER BUNCHER 521B 522B 541 2 552 2 TRACK-TYPE TRACTOR D3G D3K XL D3K2 LGP D4G D4K XL D4K2 XL D5G D5K LGP D5K2 XL VIBRATORY COMPACTOR CB-44B CB-54B CD-54B WHEEL LOADER 924G 924GZ 924H 924HZ 924K 928H 928HZ 930G 930K 938K
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