I will walk clothed and armed with the weapons of St. George So that my enemies, having feet, cannot reach me, With hands they will not seize me, Having eyes see me not, And not even in thought can they harm me. Firearms shall not reach my body, Knives and spears break without my body touching, Ropes and chains may break without my body being tied. Jesus Christ, protect me and defend me with the power of your holy and divine grace, Virgin of Nazareth, cover me with your holy and divine mantle, Protecting me in all my pains and afflictions, And God, with his divine mercy and great power Be my defender against the wickedness and persecutions of my enemies. Glorious Saint George, in the name of God, Extend to me your shield and your mighty weapons, Defending me with your strength and with your greatness, And under the paws of his faithful steed My enemies be humbled and submissive to you. So be it with the power of God, of Jesus, and of the phalanx of the of the Divine Holy Spirit. Saint George, pray for us.
VW FOX 1.0 MOTOR EA111 2003/2009 FOX 1.6 MOTOR EA111 2003/2008 GOL 1.0 MI 8V MOTOR AT 1999/2005 GOL 1.0 MI MOTOR EA111 1996/2016 GOL 1.0 MI MOTOR 211 AT 1999/2005 GOL 1.0 I MOTOR 503 AE 1994/1996 GOL 1.0 16V TURBO MOTOR AT 2000/2004 GOL 1.0 MI 16V MOTOR 511 AT 1997/2005 GOL 1.6 I MOTOR EA111 2012/2016 GOL 1.6 I MOTOR 504 AP 1994/1996 GOL 1.6 I MOTOR 505 AP 1995/1997 GOL 1.6 MI MOTOR 540 AP 1996/2005 GOL 1.6 MI MOTOR 541AP 1996/2005 GOL 1.6 MI MOTOR AP827 2003/2008 GOL 1.8 I MOTOR 521AP 1994/1997 GOL 1.8 I MOTOR 522 AP 1994/1997 GOL 1.8 MI MOTOR 542 AP 1997/1999 GOL 1.8 MI MOTOR 543 AP 1996/2002 GOL 1.8 MI MOTOR AP827 1999/2008 GOL 2.0 I MOTOR 528 AP 1994/1997 GOL 2.0 I MOTOR 529 AP 1994/1996 GOL 2.0 MI MOTOR AP827 1999/2002 GOL 2.0 MI 16V MOTOR 112 AP 1995/1999 PARATI 1.0 MI 16V MOTOR 511 AT 1999/2003 PARATI 1.0 MI 16V TURBO MOTOR AT 2000/2004 PARATI 1.6 MI MOTOR AP827 2003/2012 PARATI 1.8 MI MOTOR AP827 1999/2008 PARATI 2.0 MI MOTOR AP827 1999/2005 SAVEIRO 1.6 MI MOTOR 540 AP 2000/2003 SAVEIRO 1.6 MI MOTOR 541AP 2000/2003 SAVEIRO 1.6 MOTOR AP 827 2005/2009 SAVEIRO 1.8 MI MOTOR AP827 2000/2005 BOSCH F006B10414 DENSO BC0160600780
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